Project Updates

2024 - 04 - 22 | Tokyo Vending Machine Mania - "東京自動販売機マニア":

"Tokyo Vending Machine Mania" is a simulation game set in late 1980s Tokyo, where players become top vending machine operators by strategically expanding their machine networks and product lines.

2024 - 03 - 04 | AERODYNAMICS in Concept Art - "コンセプトアートにおける空気力学":

In concept art, understanding physical fundamentals in how air flow interacts with different shapes and surfaces is crucial for depicting dynamic environments and motion.

2023 - 12 - 03 | Metal Fear Final "メタル・フィアー"

After three and a half years, I have finally completed my "Metal Fear" project. Since the last update in February 2022, I have added descriptions for four additional vehicle concepts and the logo for the "Metal Fear" paramilitary group.

2023 - 11 - 19 | DANCE RIVALS: RYTHM RESONANCE "ビデオゲームのコンセプト"

"Dance Rivals: Rhythm Resonance" is a groundbreaking dance battle video game where players engage in 1:1 dance-offs, inspired by Tekken's gameplay mechanics.

2023 - 03 - 28 | Last Batch of animated vectors "スリーディー エスブイジー"

Taking the next evolutionary step with more styled 3D SVG models. This is the last phase before doing large-scale projects with this technology.

2023 - 02 - 01 | 2nd Batch of animated vectors "スリーディー エスブイジー"

I finally returned to 3D SVG. To be honest, I was planning to give up on this technology, but it helped me warm up to JavaScript, and now I can do impressive things with it.

2022 - 09 - 30 | Status Grid "ステータス グリッド"

The "Status Grid" is a graphical tool to track and visualize the status of project artifacts. The design of the status grid follows the "less is more" principle.

2022 - 05 - 29 | Cover Design "カバーデザイン"

I decided to do a CD cover design because all other ideas would accompany too much work at the moment. For saving time, I reused material from past projects.

2022 - 05 - 11 | 3d svg: animated vectors "スリーディー エスブイジー"

This page contains several experiments that I did with Zdog.js. Zdog is a 3D JavaScript engine for Canvas and SVG by Dave Desandro. Documentation can be found here: Zdog.js.

2022 - 02 - 21 | Turtok "タートック"

Turtok is a 2nd generation chain-driven Autonomous Multi-Terrain Tactical Combat Vehicle (A-MT-TCV MK2) with a dual-monolithic body structure and extreme firepower.

2022 - 02 - 17 | Hexapod "ヘキサポッド"

The Hexapod is a 1st generation multi-legged moving apparatus which serves as an All-Terrain Armed Troop Transporter (AT-ATT MK1). It is used for tactical defense operations on difficult terrain.

2021 - 11 - 24 | Milk Carton "牛乳パック"

In 1915, the US Patent Office granted John R. Van Wormer, a toy manufacturer from Ohio, USA, a patent for his waxed cardboard milk carton. Particularly, his invention addressed containers made of paper.

2021 - 11 - 11 | Stalker "ストーカー"

The Stalker is an All-Terrain Armed Scout (AT-AS) lightweight, bipedal moving apparatus. It is used for reconnaissance ground operations on difficult terrain.

2021 - 11 - 01 | DROPS OF LIFE "命の雫"

Drops of Life is a tiny collection of 9 voxel concept artworks that I made on a daily basis between October 29th and November 6th, 2021.

2021 - 08 - 25 | Calmness "落ち着き"

Calmness is the 2nd entry of the Floating Islands collection. This artwork represents a calm and peaceful place in the sky. This rocky island in the clouds is covered with dense ground vegetation.

2021 - 05 - 22 | Work Buy Consume Die 2 "仕事購入する消費する死ぬ2", buy, consume, die, inform, feed, control, feed... this is a design reload of my 1st try to adapt the original slogan and concept design of The Designers Republic from Sheffield, UK.

2021 - 04 - 24 | Neo Retro Wave "ネオ・レトロ・ウェーブ"

A proverbial "Schubumkehr (thrust reversal)" was necessary to proceed with this project. A good candidate for this project reload was the experimental project "Detonator."

2021 - 01 - 04 | JUMP'N'RUN "ジャンプアンドラン"

Three years after the first ideas popped for this project, I had a plan for a concept for designing the levels. References to old-school sprite-based games are very helpful, and by the way, why the hell...

2020 - 06 - 30 | Mech Warrior "メックウォリアー"

Within the Mech Warrior games, gamers take control of a single battle mech and combat other battle mechs, tanks, infantry, and more, from within the cockpit of their machine.

2020 - 06 - 13 | WipeOut "ワイプアウト"

The addressed problems from the 1st try were accompanied by a downscaling and optimization of the original track texture in Photoshop, followed by additional re-modeling in MagicaVoxel.

2019 - 12 - 29 | Solaris "ソラリス"

Solaris was inspired by Stanisław Lem's "Solaris" novel. The plot is about a crew of scientists on a research station who attempt to understand an extraterrestrial intelligence, which takes...

2018 - 01 - 02 | Work Buy Consume Die "仕事購入する消費する死ぬ"

Work, buy, consume, die... WTF is that? This is an anti-consumerism slogan from tDR. The Designers Republic (also tDR, and styled as The Designers Republic™) is a British graphic design studio...

2012 - 06 - 26 | MILO "マイロ"

This was the first and last time I participated in a professional industrial design competition. I designed this concept in May 2012 for the Michelin Challenge Design.


Hello everyone, I'm Martin aka DocMcFly. I am a self-taught concept designer with a professional background in engineering. Besides concept design I love macro photography. On this website I showcase my content. My work is influenced by 90's video games, Japanese internet pop culture and the "less is more" principle.


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Analogue SFX [photography]

Experimental product photography with sophisticated hardware config. and capturing techniques.

Goblin Cave [voxel art]

The last big voxel art scene.

Metal Fear 2 [concept design]

Next generation of grotesque war machine designs.

Social Media Transformers [photography]

Concept art that represents of the negative impact of social media on people.

Tokyo Vending Machine Mania [gameart]

Concept for a simulation game set in late 1980s Tokyo, where players can become top vending machine operators.



Coding experiments with pseudo 3D engine Zdog.js.

8-Bit Labs [2d illustration]

Illustration design with SVG

AERODYNAMICS in Concept Art [concept design]

A concept on how to represent air flow in voxel art scenes.

Floating Islands [voxel art]

Complex voxel art scene that represent floating islends in the clouds

Metal Fear [voxel art]

Grotesque war machine concept design made with voxel art

Schubumkehr [voxel art]

Anti-gravity vehicle concept art made with voxel graphics

Status Grid [concept design]

The 'Status Grid' is a concise graphical tool for tracking and visualizing the status


Cinematics [concept art]

Voxel art adaptation of iconic movie and music scenes.

EXE-Cute [concept art]

Character concept design of a female special agent character in a cyberpunk universe.

Femtroid [concept art]

Character concept art of a more mature version of Metroid heroine with strong attitude.

Loco Gelato [concept art]

Concept design of a dynamic 3D scene in Blender using deformations.

Macro Mania [photography]

Tales from the macro photography world.

Pixel Levels [pixel art]

Making a 2D sprite/ or 3D voxel tileset to generate levels for video ames.

Pump King [concept art]

3D Character concept art of the king of pumpkins.

Slavic Whispers [concept art]

Whispering the ancient tales of Slavic forests, folklore, and magic.

PRIME [concept art]

PRIME is a concept study that features a biosphere based on primitive shapes while using sophisticated materials.

Turbinepunk [concept art]

Character and vehicle concept design related to Turbinepunk era.



Cara App | DocMcFly on X | DocMcFly on Bluesky | Метал Феар | Slavic Whispers

Useful Links

Android Arts | Color Hunt | Eye on Design | Generative Artistry | Romy Ramlee | Shichigoro | Unwinnable | Y2K Aesthetic Institute


My content is under copyright according to CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. You must not use the material for commercial purposes. You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the this site if you repost the material. If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.