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Status Grid Prototype

Status Grid

ステータス グリッド

1 8 2 2
4 5 3 8
0 3 3 f
0 t 0 0

The 'Status Grid' is a concise graphical tool for tracking and visualizing the status of a project showing only essential parameters for progress and maturity.

Minimalist KPI Matrices


The "Status Grid" is a graphical tool to track and visualize the status of project artefacts. The design of the status grid follows the "less is more" principle. It shows only the significant parameters that describe the project progress and product maturity while making efficient use of geometrical space. The early prototype of the status grid was a by-product that evolved from my computer graphics generation activities.

Status Grid Prototype

ステータス グリッド プロトタイプ

I came across the idea behind the status grid design while generating content for my graphics content portfolio. Instead of placing a signature on the artwork - like it is common best practise in art community - I wanted to place a compact array of numbers that visualize the content release history via a styled timestamp. Besides that style element this visible watermark partly content to be stolen because the artwork isn't clean from signature artefacts anymore. While the original 4×4 matrix layout of the Status Grid remained (rectangular array) untouched I changed the alignment of used parameters. The purpose of the grid layout was to give a brief status on activities, tasks or other project artefacts of interest. The status is given by a minimal set of key performance indicators (KPIs) that can be specific for the artefact in scope. Those KPIs refer to time, effort, iteration and lifecycle status.

Later I made a layout shift because of requirements derived from the principle of simplicity. The essence of simplicity forces to prioritize the essentials. This means that a design element that hasn't any explicit meaning doesn't provide benefit. Further, this geometrical space could be used to generate meaning from another more significant design element. By implication for the design of the Status Grid this means to get rid of meaningless characters - like zeros - and white spaces. A practicle example for this is using shortcut date formats that are reduced to a minimum character set or substituting months and days with calendar weeks if possible. Another example for using geometrical space an efficient way is giving single parameters multiple values that address different lifecycle states. Now let us move on with realistic use cases.

Use Case #1: Agile Metric Grid

ユースケース #1: アジャイルメトリックグリッド

A possible application of the status Grid is the visualization of metrics in agile projects. The grid can be useful as a lean approach for progress tracking in projects that are performed by SCRUM teams. In this case the minimal set of key performance indicators (incl. lifecycle states) looks like the following configuration:

  • start/end date [year | month | day];
  • effort [days/weeks or story points];
  • iteration [sprint];
  • status [backlog, active, finished, released].

In this example place holders for year and effort are double-digits. Especially in regard to the effort parameter instead of using days or weeks one could use an individual effort representation by means of story points according Fibunacci sequence. Iteration cycles/sprints and the status can be visualized by a single digit space using letters that represent abbreviations of common project states.

start date                  end date
year ----> [2  1] [2  2] <----- year
month ---> [1  2] [0  3] <---- month
day -----> [1  8] [3  0] <------ day
effort --> [1  3] [4][a] <- status[⁝]
sprint ----------> ┘               |
[b:backlog] ---------------------- ┘
[a:active] ----------------------- ┘
[f:finished] --------------------- ┘
[r:released] --------------------- ┘

Use Case #2: Product Maturity Grid

ユースケース #2: 製品成熟度グリッド

Another more optimized application of the status srid is the product maturity grid. Compared to the use case related for Agile projects the product maturity grid is a more quality and quantity driven metric. This grids adapts the schematics from the previous use case with a stronger focus on the product maturity within a project or activity. The grid can be used as a planning approach and a status tracking of artefacts/work products while covering the significant metrics in the product development lifecycle. As an example, the minimal set of maturity indicators for a game dev project can request the following metrics with their specific lifecycle parameters ...

  • start/end date [year | calendar week];
  • effort [story points];
  • sprint [n];
  • status [backlog, active, finished, released]
  • SW features [*]
  • graphic content [*]
  • audio content [*]
  • plot content [*]

*not applicable, planned, designed, integrated, tested, varified, accepted

Instead of giving attention to months and days that consume double-digits of precious space each - in sum they consume 8 digits within the 4×4 matrix grid. Here using calendar weeks makes more sense. The effort, sprint and status configuration is a 1:1 carry over from the previous agile related use case. The last 4 digits in the bottom are more interesting. In game dev the typical product consists of the asset classes graphics, audio and plot that are realized by software. Software is the main component because in the status of a minimum viable product (MVP) the game prototype is usable by the customer only by software. Even when assets like graphics, audio or plot is partly missing; prototype software can be used to gain valuable feedback for future product development. Using single-digits for defining different product life cycle states is appropriate.

start date                      end date
year ---------> [2  1] [2  2] <---- year
week ---------> [1  2] [0  3] <---- week
                        ┌ <------ sprint
effort -------> [2  1] [3][f] <-status[⁝]
SW content* --> [t][v] [n][a]          |
graphic content* -> ┘   |  |           |
audio content* -------> ┘  |           |
plot content* -----------> ┘           |
[b:backlog] -------------------------- ┘
[a:active] --------------------------- ┘
[f:finished] ------------------------- ┘
[r:released] ------------------------- ┘

*definition of life cycle states: not applicable[n], planned[p], designed[d], integrated[i], tested[t], verified[v], accepted[a]

The product maturity grid is helpful to define configurations of MVPs during story mapping and to prioritize MVPs in release planning. This helps to refine the backlog and to set up the strategic product roadmap.

Use Case #3: Content Update Grid

ユースケース #3: コンテンツ更新グリッド

The content update grid is a modified version of the product maturity grid. This grid focusses on the content and doesn't aim for progress record. Instead of documenting the effort the grid addresses the total amount of generated content via a double-digit place holder. Like in case stated in 2nd use case before the last 4 digits at the bottom are of special interest. In content generation an important aspect besides the main content is the additional benefit for the content consumer. Additional content can be manifold like knowledge (hints, tutorials, documentation, code etc.) or assets like downloadable 3D models or templates.

start date                         end date
year -----------> [2  1] [2  2] <----- year
week -----------> [1  2] [0  3] <----- week
content amount --> ┐--┐   ┌ <------- sprint
                  [2  1] [3][f] <-status [⁝]
hint -----------> [h][t] [d][c]           |
tutorial -----------> ┘   |  |            |   
documentation ----------> ┘  |            |   
code ----------------------> ┘            |    
[b:backlog] ----------------------------- ┘
[a:active] ------------------------------ ┘
[f:finished] ---------------------------- ┘
[r:released] ---------------------------- ┘

I use this grid at 8ty.one a lot. It is an important part of the graphical look and feel of this site. The grid provides the visitor with the essential information on the content provided within each post. Visitors that mainly come for downloadable content or tutorials scan new entries for the "d" letter in the bottom right corner of the grid without the need to follow the red thread of a post. To reach a perfctly aligned grid with columns and rows inline I use Monospace font families to format the text field that includes the grid data.


Product Maturity Grid

2 1 2 2
1 2 0 3
2 1 3 f
t v n a

The product maturity grid on the left represents example for game dev project maturity status. Project start was dated to calendar week 12 in year 2021 while the latest maturity baseline was set to calendar week 3 in 2022. Within column 3 it is stated that the planned effort was predicted with 21 story points within sprint 3 which was baselined as finished. Column 4 provides a brief maturity status on each main asset class in the project. Software is tested, graphics are verified, audio is out of scope considering this sprint; and the plot is accepted by the customer.

Content update grid

1 8 2 2
4 5 3 8
0 3 3 f
0 t 0 0

This example addresses the content update grid for this project site. I started this project with the 1st prototype in 2018, calendar week 45. I finished the project in 2022, calender week 38. I included 03 content (3 grid layouts). Between project start and finish date I updated the content 3 times. The status is "finished". The additional outcome is a tutorial [T] that represents the documentation on this site. The 3 remaining digits that claim a "0" state that there is no additional content within this project besides the mentioned tutorial.